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Tincup American Whiskey 700ml

TINCUP is a classic American Whiskey. It has a bourbon style profile with a bold and spicy finish. Its signature flavour is from balancing the spice and pepper flavour of rye with the sweet and smooth taste of corn and malt. It's made using Midwestern grains, aged in new American white oak barrels and is cut with Rocky Mountain water.

Tito's Handmade Vodka 700ml

Made in old-fashioned pot stills and using corn as the base, Tito's is a naturally gluten free vodka. Their process, similar to that used to make fine single malt scotches and high-end French cognacs, requires more skill and effort, but they think it's well worth it. The final product is a vodka so smooth, you can drink it straight.

Tofka Toffee Vodka 700ml

Tofka is a fusion of vodka with liquid caramel toffee. When shaken, the golden liquid swirls attractively, accentuating the premium nature of the product. Tofka is a smooth balance of toffee with warming sensation of vodka. To get the most from the visual effect of the drink,shake the bottle to 'shake up the storm'.

Tsantali Ouzo 700ml

TSANTALI OUZO is the traditional Greek ouzo, as typical of Greece as the deep blue of its logo. This ouzo has the authentic taste of tradition because it is distilled according to a secret recipe of the TSANTALI family that has been passed down from generation to generation. Try it straight; chilled on the rocks; or with water, to watch it transform from translucent to milky-white. Delicious when mixed with tomato or orange juice, it is also an ideal accompaniment to Greek appetizers, specially fried food and seafood.

Tullamore Dew 1 Litre

Triple distilled and patiently aged in a combination of ex-bourbon and sherry casks, this original blended Irish whiskey is known the world over for its smooth and gentle complexity.

Tullamore Dew 700ml

Triple distilled and patiently aged in a combination of ex-bourbon and sherry casks, this original blended Irish whiskey is known the world over for its smooth and gentle complexity. Tasting Notes: The early floral yet biscuit flavour reflects the grain whiskey, while the soft spicy notes can be attributed to the pot still whiskey in the blend. The citrus flavour is complemented by the malt. Finally notice the nutty or even marzipan note combined with distinctive vanilla in the finish - imparted by the sherry and bourbon casks used in maturation.

Twelfth Hour Dry Gin 700ml

Twelfth Hour Distillery was born from a desire to combine fresh, tantalizing, and exotic botanicals from around the globe with premium New Zealand gin. They utilise a small batch distillation process, which ensures handcrafted premium quality every time. After 22 iterations uniting global botanicals with the powerful makrut (kaffir lime) Twelfth Hour Dry Gin has a clean, crisp aroma on the nose. An initial hit of makrut on the tongue leads into a long dry finish that sees the revitalizing taste linger on the palate. A punchy gin perfect for summer, though crafted to be enjoyed all year round. Team it up with your favourite tonic then immerse a bruised Kaffir lime leaf to enhance the lead botanical or garnish with a ribbon of cucumber for a refreshing twist.

Ukiyo Japanese Blossom Gin 700ml

This Blossom Gin is born from a base of locally grown barley that is distilled into a traditional shochu spirit. The shochu is redistilled with juniper, regional citrus, cherry blossom and native botanicals, always exercising restraint in the pursuit of clarity and perfection. The fruits of this endeavour are born out in the delicate blossom aromas that emulate those found in the mountains and coastline surrounding our home in Kagoshima.

Ukiyo Japanese Rice Vodka 700ml

In Japan rice is renowned for producing the purest spirit. Ukiyo Rice Vodka is exceptionally clean, smooth and subtly sweet. Like Japanese shochu or sake, this Rice Vodka is ideal for sipping or pairing with food. Soft, sweet and floral, with violet and citrus notes.

Ukiyo Japanese Yuzu Gin 700ml

Our Yuzu Gin is born from a base of locally grown barley that is distilled into a traditional shochu spirit. The shochu is redistilled with juniper, yuzu, regional citrus and botanicals, respecting the 1500 year old tradition of cultivating and harvesting yuzu in Japan. The yuzu flavour is tart and fragrant, resembling that of the lemon and grapefruit, with overtones of mandarin orange.

Vok Advokaat Liqueur 500ml

Vok Cocktail Liqueurs are perfect for the at home mixologist & offer a cocktail solution for any occasion. Vok Advokaat Liqueur is a blend of fresh eggs, cane sugar mellow brandy with a hint of vanilla. This smooth and creamy liqueur is most famously used in the classic cocktail; the fluffy duck.

Vok Banana Liqueur 500ml

Vok Cocktail Liqueurs are perfect for the at home mixologist & offer a cocktail solution for any occasion. Vok Banana Liqueur delivers the sweet, rich taste of banana.
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